Showing posts with label Batman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batman. Show all posts


The guy is more and more popular.

Not that many heroes have the same treatment as good old Batman is having. The latest movies are top stuff and the games are amazing as well. We've seen some amazing super hero movies in recent years (Avengers is top notch!), but most videogames are usually good/average or bad (Iron Man anyone?). Batman, on the other hand, is doing it right.

And now they decided to make a sequel for the Lego series with this Lego Batman 2 that includes other DC heroes. I guess Batman is more popular than the other characters nowadays? I'm not really sure, I have been watching the super hero movies but I don't really know much about the story or the comics or how popular they are.

I don't have the game itself (and I'm not quite sure if I'll ever get it in the future...) but found this press kit for a rather cheap price and picked it up. It's nothing special, but still worth displaying. As far as my opinion goes, I'm far more excited for that Lego ity game that was presented on E3 this year. I think that Lego games based in popular franchises is just a little... out of place. Forgive my opinion, but that's what I think.

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When Arkham Asylum came out, I was quite surprised to see that it was so good. It really is a great game. It's been a while since I played a Batman game and I must say that I never imagined a game like this would ever be done. Its sequel is quite impresive as well. And it deserved another Collector's Edition and several steelbooks etc. So far I only bought Batman: Arkham City Collector's Edition and I'll probably not get the steelbooks any time soon.

Anyway, This edition gets a 7/10 from me. The edition itself is not very big, which is a good thing because lately most major games receive very big boxes that take away a lot of space. The figure is small, yet heavy and quite detailed. Again, it's not impressive but does the job. The artbook is pretty small, not the sort of artbooks I love, and I really can't stand the fact that the game disc doesn't have its own box but comes inside the artbook. I really don't like that too much... Finally, the top piece of card inside the box that identifies the console cannot hold its place inside the box and as a result you can usually find that edition with the top card piece slightly off its place. However, a good thing about this edition is its release price, which is frankly quite good.
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Batman rules once again

It's been quite a while since a videogame based in a famous movie or merchandise was considered a hit. Batman, for instance, had all sorts of games for almost every major console. Great games like the SNES version, bad games like the PS1 versions... but finally, several years later, one of the greatest american super heroes ever created so far is finally receiving the treatment it deserves. Dark Knight was a fantastic movie. I am not a fan of Batman - at all - but even so the movie itself was surprisingly good, very good. And now, the newest game known as Arkham Asylum is relased. Honestly, I did not think this game would be that good, but surprisingly enough it's already considered a top choice by most editors and reviewers.

The special edition of this game itself is quite surprising as well - a least at first sight. We probably all knew about it and how good it would look. When it was finally released it really seemed to match our expectations. However, the most important item of this edition, the boomerang (sorry, I can't get used to call it Batarang...) is a major disappointment.

The difference in price between this big boxset and the regular game is small that it doesn't make that much sense to buy the game alone and leave this edition behind. But if you expect to buy this edition specifically because of the boomerang replica which seems to be the most impressive bonus, then think twice. Unless you want it for collection purposes or for the extra content still interests you, the boomerang will probably be a major let-down. The plastic looks cheap and bad, not quite the materials that should have been used. It's completely scratched and looks bad because it was purposely made to look like it was used, just like in the game. And finally, the boomerang and the stand are a single piece, meaning you can't remove the boomerang alone from the stand.

Looking at the original pictures before the edition was released, the boomerang really seems something much bettar than this cheap imitation. It's a shame...
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The best of two worlds!

In recent times, we have seen some things that seemed impossible in the past. The most "shocking" one is probably sonic competing against Mario in the same game. That would be unthinkable in the past, but today everything's possible. And the latest team up brings us two famous worlds together. On one side, we have the legendary Mortal Kombat warriors and on the other we have the amazing DC Comic super heroes such as Batman. Mortal Kombat is probably among the greatest beat'em ups ever created in videogaming history. The games were quite something during the 2d and 16bit generation consoles. But seems its popularity is now quite far away from what it was. As for DC, we certainly had quite a few interesting games in the past (remember the Batman games on Snes? Those were pretty good!) but these heroes hardly ever appear in any other style besides action games. Ahh good old times where those Disney and hero platformers were amazing...
Above is the MK vs DC press kit. Another collectible I couldn't let go :)
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