
'It sucks and it's very expensive', I said. 'No way I'll get it!'

I lied. I honestly wasn't expecting to buy this edition because the price seems very off considering the contents and the quality of the head gear. However, I still made a preorder on amazon to make sure I wouldn't miss it if it really became sold out and hard to get. That never really happened fortunately.

As I was walking around the videogame section of a particular store, I noticed the new Saint Seiya game was on the shelves already. With it I also noticed the myth Cloth Box Edition. That edition is pretty weak... The box is dull gray and not shiny, it has an average size, it only brings a DLC code and a t-shirt and all the items are loose inside the box. What a shame...

Suddenly, the wild Head Gear Edition appears in from of my eyes. At first I didn't eve realize that was the real thing. I can only think of a particular box that rivals the huge size this edition has, and it's the Crysis 2 Nano Edition. Yeah, the Head Gear Edition has almost the same size. And the box looks very good. I must say that the shiny packaging is an irresistible eyecandy unlike the cheaper collector's edition. Still, I resisted the initial temptation and didn't buy it. I came home and tried to find unboxing videos of that edition. I eventually found a french website with pictures. That's when I suddenly realised that the head gear included was made by branpresto and includes a numbered certificate of authenticity. Only 5000 exist...

A couple of days later I visited this store and found one edition for a cheaper price than amazon. That was the final drop. I immediately grabbed it and bought it before I changed my mind. In the end: totally worth it!

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