
The end of the road...

It's been such a long time since I originally started this blog... Over the years, my collection has grown much further than I've ever imagined. I've put too much money, time and efforts into collecting videogames for well over a decade. It was a passion. Actually, it was more than that. It was pure obsession, which I do not regret, but I admit there were times when I took it too far. Way too far. It had to stop one day. My life didn't follow the easy "graduate > get job > make money > make family" road. It's been quite rough, actually. I'm at that age where life should be a little more...
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I only come here to complain about Kickstarter and MuvLuv

Yeah, I'm still around but I stalled my collection and I don't think I'll ever go back to the craze of buying so much stuff like before. Every new release has at least a super expensive edition. Plenty of small companies started to release limited prints of indie games that are impossible to keep up since there are so many nowadays. Companies like Square Enix are releasing super expensive editions that are hardly worth getting for the abnormally inflated prices. We're talking about poor content or small and incomplete items in an ultra big box that make it look like an awesome edition and then...
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Where have I been?

Not where I wanted to be, for certain. With a lot of things going on in my life at the moment, the little time I have left is hardly spent doing other smaller things like updating this blog. My purchases have not been as intense as before. I basically stopped buying retro games and press kits. Hopefully, better days will come in the future and I will be able to get what I'm missing now. One of my latest purchases came from NISA Europe. Being very short on money basically...
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Happy New Year 2'17

Hey guys. It's been a while since my last update. Sadly, I had to slow down with purchases quite a bit this year, even though I still added a lot of stuff to the collection. I expect to make another big update within the next week. Thankfully, this year 2016 was better than 2014 and 2015 combined. Those two were a disgrace to. Still, saying 2016 was better isn't saying much either because it also wasn't that good... 2017 hasn't even started here and I still don't sense any short term improvements but, hopefully, I'll be able to do something to change things for the best. I have a lot of personal...
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Shooting girls... not literally though...

Just.. wow. Japanese developers can come up with such incredible and perverted ideas. A rail shooter game where the objective is to aim at girls with some weird pheromone shots that drive them crazy. Weird and innovative at the same time. And this limited version of the game, named Gal*Gun Double Peace Mr. Happiness Edition, will certain increase in value in the future. It comes in a huge box with several items, including some panties that are, in fact, a screen cleaning...
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My honest opinion about Pokémon Go.

Even though my financial situation and life in general is very inopportune to continue to collect videogames for now, I still have been buying several editions and games that I certainly don't want to miss. Unfortunately, sacrifices had to be done and I can't keep up the pace like the last few years... I have been dedicating my spare time into playing Pokémon Go. When it was first announced, I didn't really expect to play it. But the truth is, I gave it a try and found it very addicting, especially when almost everyone else around me is playing the game. Thanks to this app in particular, I met...
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Sack creatures everywhere

This is yet another press kit I was able to score not too long ago. I have not played Little Big Planet in a very long time and I don't know much about what's going on in this game, but I guess I can tell the same about almost every other recent game out there. Not enough patience or time to play, unfortunately... It's always tough to talk about stuff I wasn't able to play, so I just fill these posts with text that doesn't tell anything. Sucks, I know. ...
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This is a type of game that doesn't need presentation. Unfortunately I've missed the Prestige Edition because 1. it was very expensive and 2. my preorder was cancelled by Amazon... So I had to get Dark Souls III Collector's Edition locally... Amazon used to be the best place to order almost anything, but lately it's been terrible with me, so... I just moved to local stores. Seriously, what the hell? I have been building my collection with awesomeness and thanks to some...
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I usually don't have the habit of buying both PAL and NTSC versions of the same game. I usually just stick with PAL versions unless the NTSC one is very exclusive and important, but those are just a few exceptions I have in my collection. However, I was forced to open another exception this time. Xenoblade Chronicles is by far my most favourite JRPG in recent years and I just couldn't resist getting the US version of the newest game. I can easily tell the game has...
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And another!

And here's another one from NISA Europe, this time Stella Glow for the Nintendo 3DS. I love these guys, I love these editions and I hope to somehow get the ones I've missed in the future! ...
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NISA Europe Rules!

When I've lost my hopes in getting this edition because I missed the preorders, NISA Europe contacted me to warn about its availability. Those guys from that store are absolutely amazing. It's not every day that you can find such a great costumer service. I am glad they started selling these editions in Europe! The Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival Edition Limited Edition! ...
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Loved it!

It's certainly not one of the best press kits released so far, but it's super original: Tearaway Unfolded Press Kit!  A paper craft Dual Shock controller makes this Tearaway Unfolded press kit something creative. It immediately caught my attention and I really needed to get it. I'm glad I own it now :) ...
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Always hard to let things like this to pass by...

I'm at that point again when it's impossible to keep up with so much stuff being released at the same time, so I have to make decisions and just get what's really important. Sometimes, however, some unexpected things pop up and it just isn't possible to let those things pass by. Some time ago, I've heard about an extremely limited edition of the videogame Superbeat Xonic in the United States. Sadly, costumers from around the world were not allowed to buy that. The good...
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Well this took some time to come out, but it eventually did. Too bad it didn't exactly match the expectations, considering the guy behind this is a respectable name behind some older games. Couldn't miss on preordering it due to the fact that it includes the physical version of the original Wii game...
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That epic moment when...

... an epic japanese game gets an epic edition in Europe. I totally missed the first game because I didn't want to spend so much money on its edition. I ended up buying it from scalpers in the end. I thought the same thing could happen with this second game but it seems that I'll probably find it later when the price drops, considering the stupid amount of copies this received.....
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Just the same game again...

Was it really necessary? This is the 3rd different version of this game in my collection. First was the Wii version which I actually bought on release day and came close to finish it. Then not too long ago I managed to get a GameCube version. Suddenly this pops up in my collection. There really was no need for this... But it's Zelda, so yeah, it's almost mandatory... ...
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Real Saturn Chronicles Episode 12: Still studying...

First of all, I'd like to wish you happy holidays, regardless if you celebrate Christmas and the New Year or not. Lately, I've been quite busy trying to turn my life around and this will last for the next months. At least I'm felling happier than I was last year and hopefully these recent changes will bring something good throughout 2016. I've made a rather big decision and I've been working on it for the last few months. Once I'm done with this, another stage on my life will probably begin. I obviously didn't stop buying games, although I must say that the number of stuff I have been buying...
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People at home can do a better job than huge companies sometimes.

I'm pretty sure I've talked about this before. One of the many factors killing this awesome hobby of collecting videogames is the fact that many great games are coming out as digital versions only. Even big games come to our markets unfinished and you have to pay for the missing pieces that most people call DLC. I'm also pretty sure I've stated the cons and pros of digital games in a previous text. Companies, mostly the BIG ones, are not that interested in anything else...
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Before the 3rd one comes out...

I spend a long time searching for deals and looking for information on upcoming editions just to make sure I do not miss any of the really special stuff. Suddenly, sh!t happens and, as a result, I only get there too late. It's been a long time since I've heard of those exclusive HMV covers and slipcases. They had quite a few of these some years ago. And there I was, randomly searching the internet when I suddenly come across this limited, numbered cover for Dark Souls...
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Some people have nothing better to do...

I'm feeling a little depressed right now. Last Thursday I was engaged in a street fight because one stupid guy decided to punch me instead of sorting the problem with dialogue. I thought I had a bad day, until I heard about the incidents in Paris (France), Baga (Nigeria) and Beirut (Lebanon). Just what the hell is going... So in order to cheer things up here's a little something. Mario Maker amiibo bundle with the classic coloured, pixelated Mario. Great concept, nice...
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