
The next update...

Lately I've been updating the page much less than I used to in the past. Now that I look at it, it's been over 4 years since I started it. My collection was so small back then that it's almost... I don't know... amazing how far it came to be. I've said it before several times, but I never ever expected to see my collection reaching this point and still growing a lot.

Some pictures need to be taken in order to complete some of the posts I already wrote and I have not listed any regular games for a long time now. However, that doesn't mean anything besides the fact that I've been quite busy and with too much work to do. I still have some pretty good updates coming some, one of them will be something "big", quite "big", too "big" to be owned by a random guy like myself. And no I did not stop buying games even though I will have to slow down early next year. I have to save more money for other things in life, one of them being my dream trip to a certain place in this world.

I don't know when I'll have more spare time to keep this blog up to date, but sooner or later it will be refreshed with new stuff to show to the very few people who visit it regularly. I prefer it that way though.

I've also added some unboxing videos to youtube of some of the editions I own. It just came to my mind that U could add those videos here so you could watch. I should have done that before, but there's still plenty of time to do so.

Thanks for those few who visit this blog frequently, I hope you enjoy it.

Castlevania meets Vanquish in a senseless post I made.

The two editions above are from two very recent games. I loved Vanquish, seriously. It's probably the most overrated game in the market right now, but I loved it seriously. It's too short, but good. Really good. I am not a big fan of shooters but this one... oh boy! However... this special editions s not that great, unless you like an action figure. This is not even a special edition, but rather a figure and the game with the lenticular cover sticked together with shrinkwrap around both. Some crappy editions have been released in recent days but if you want to call something a special edition of a game at the very least you must make sure that there's a place where the game must fit...

The other one is Castlevania Lord of Shadow. I did not enjoy the demo that much, it's too much God of War-ish in my opinion, but without the same feeling. That was my first impression of the game when pictures opped up. Some people wanted to believe the game had it's own magic, the magic that only exists in Castlevania games. But still, even after playing the demo I did not feel that magic. I'm still open minded and expect to change my opinion about the game as soon as I get the chance to play it. This Limited Collector's Edition kicks ass though, it's pretty good, not the best but good.

Streets of Ra... er Tekken

The pic above is from a press kit I managed to snag some time ago. It's from one of my favourite 3d fighting games released since the early 32 bits 3d consoles. The game remains loyal to the series but unfortunately the usual "Tekken force" mode, this time called story mode... in my honest opinion it's pretty bad. The game itself is great but I don't think this beats tekken 5, my favourite one so far. I don't like to play online, there's usually too much lag involved not to menting the time it takes to find someone to fight with at least with me. The arcade mode is pretty damn good but you can't score higher ranks if you don't play online and that totally ruind the fun for me. There are some very interesting scenarios in the game and the gameplay remains great but the story mode just sucks, it's like a new verison of Streets of Rage game or something like that with a pretty bad gameplay. I still prefer VS mode above the online.

Anyway, it's still one of the best 3d fighting games around.


New Portuguese variants

About 10 years ago no one gave a damn about the Portuguese market, except for Sony. Ever since the 1st party games came out for the PS1, many already had the Portuguese text on the back of the box. Right now we even have plenty of editions with Portuguese boxes. I decided to collect these editions because they are rare variants that even in Portugal are pretty hard to find after the release date. And the new ones I got are:
- Medal of Honor Edição Tier 1 (Tier 1 Edition)
- Falout New Vegas Collector's Edition (PS3)
- Fable III Edição de Coleccionador (Collector's Edition)

Lately I have been very busy and without patience to update the blog with photos. I do have many photos to take and to upload but for the last few months I did not have that much spare time unfortunately. Sooner or later I will certainly add pictures, but right now I'll keep posting the messages.