
Syphon Filter

When the PS2 was almost here, Syphon Filter 3 was still being released for the PS1. In fact the Syphon Filter games did not call my attention that much but I did enjoy playing through the first game and consider it a good gaming experience.

Formula 1

I must say thay I only collect the special versions of these games. I actually forgot to add the promo box for the new F1 2006 on that photo. F1 97 was the only game I really bought to play. I still consider it to be the best, and one of the PS1 classic games every good collector should add to its collection. I don't really enjoy playing F1 games tough. In that picture you see the F1 97 limited Edition (with a card sleeve that makes sounds when opened), F1 99 Limitd edition Box set, F1 2001 Special edition and the F1 2005 promo that's still sealed and I have no idea what's inside.


One of the most famous series after being released for PS2. The first games were entertaining but they didn't convince me much. A lot of people still love them. I started to take this game more serious after purchasing GTAIII the day it was relased. It's still my favourite and the one I played the most. It surely has a lot of violence, but I don't think this game will make people drive over pedestrians during the rush hour just for fun (lol). Let's see what I have... the limited edition of the 1st game, the collector's edition with all the main PS1 games and all PS2 games but Liberty City Stories. I don't know if I should purchase the regular PS1 versions knowing the collector's edition has them all but I am tempted to. Plus I must get the London Special Edition too.

Samurai Spirit

Onimusha series. Resident evil gameplay with swords and a much more dynamic gameplay. I really like this sort of games. My collection includes the original Onimusha game, Onimusha2, Onimusha 2 promo edition with an interesting card box and the Onimusha 3 Special edition with the bonus "making of" DVD as well as an outer sleeve. Unfortunately, the lack of cash and a few priorities are the main reason why I did not purchase the last Onimusha game yet. I don't really care about the Blade Warriors or the portable games but I might consider buying them some time later. Of all the games, I must say I liked the first two but I did not find the last one that interesting. However, the CGI intro of the 3rd game is one of the best and most impressive intros I have ever seen in a game, with very good battle scenes.

A couple of new stuff...

The background sucks I know. These are just a couple of items I purchased lately and that I could not add to the pictures already posted before. First is the Australian version of Budokai 3 that comes with a large tin to hold the other Budokai games. Secondly comes a Colin Mcrae Rally 3 version with a card sleeve and different cover. Finally, and mos importantly (to me), it's the Gran Turismo Geneve 2004 Demo that comes with the Toyota MTRC. I already have this in the NTSC Format but I finally managed to get the PAL version, since I basically collect PAL games.


Unfortunately for me, I did not complete the last year in university yet because I couldn't finish everything for the exam. I only showed up at the final presentation to see how my friends would do. I'm really tired but unfortunately I will return to the university tomorrow. I only had a few days to rest but since I only failed at a single class I should not have much to do during this year. I now have some spare time so I decided to update the blog. I also hope to learn HTML and Flash within the next few weeks. I will be updating this blog shortly.